1 |
12.08.2024 |
Amendment in the Guideline for Import Export (Cross Border) of Electricity, 2018 |
2 |
14.06.2024 |
Guidelines for payment of compensation in regard to Right of way (RoW) for transmission lines |
3 |
27.06.2023 |
Amendment in Ministry of Power's Guidelines dated 15.10.2015 for payment of compensation towards damages in regard to RoW transmission lines and dated 16.07.2020 for payment of compensation towards damages in regard to RoW transmission lines in Urban Areas |
4 |
04.10.2022 |
Guiding Principles for Monetization of Transmission Assets in the Public Sector through Acquire, Operate, Maintain and Transfer (AOMT) based Public Private Partnership model |
5 |
01.08.2022 |
Techno-economic norms on under-grounding of power lines |
6 |
13.06.2022 |
Amendment in Standard Bidding Documents for procurement of lnter-State Transmission Services through Tariff Based Competitive Bidding (TBCB) process |
7 |
04.04.2022 |
Reduction in Contract Performance Guarantee (CPG) for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding (TBCB) transmission projects in line with Department of Expenditure's OM dated 30.12.2021 |
8 |
29.03.2022 |
Revised Guidelines and Standard Bidding Documents (SBDs) for procurement of Inter-State Transmission Services (ISTS) through Tariff Based Competitive Bidding (TBCB) process |
9 |
28.10.2021 |
Re-constitution of the "National Committee on Transmission" (NCT) - reg. |
10 |
05.10.2021 |
Gazette Notification for Electricity (Transmission System Planning, Development and Recovery of Inter-State Transmission Charges) Rules, 2021 |
11 |
23.07.2021 |
Nomination of two experts in the "National Committee on Transmission" (NCT)- regarding |
12 |
22.05.2021 |
National Committee on Transmission (NCT) - amendment thereof |
13 |
25.03.2021 |
Reduction in Contract Performance Guarantee for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding (TBCB) transmission projects in line with Department of Expenditure's OM dated 12.11.2020 reg. |
14 |
23.03.2021 |
Three O.M. No.9/4/2020-PPD, dated 12.11.2020 of Finance (D/o Expenditure Bid ) regardi ng- (i) Performance Security, (ii) Security/ Earnest Money Deposit; and ( iii) Additional Performance Security in case of Abnormally Low Bids (ALB), respectively. |
15 |
15.03.2021 |
Adoption of Tariff Based Competitive Bidding (TBCB) for intra-State transmission projects |
16 |
16.07.2020 |
Guidelines for payment of compensation in regard to Right of Way (RoW) for transmission lines in urban areas |
17 |
19.12.2019 |
Establishment of Renewable Energy Management Centre (REMC) at Telangana and Energy Management Centre (EMC) at South Andaman |
18 |
04.11.2019 |
Re-constitution of the National Committee on Transmission" (NCT) |
19 |
04.11.2019 |
Constitution of five Regional Power Committees Transmission Planning RPCTPs |
20 |
03.07.2019 |
Addendum to the Guidelines for Import I Export (Cross Border) of Electricity (IECBE)
2018- reg.
21 |
24.12.2018 |
Appointment of Designated Authority under IECBE Guidelines- 2018 |
22 |
18.12.2018 |
Guidelines for Import/Export (Cross Border) of Electricity-2018 |
23 |
07.06.2018 |
Delegation of powers for approval of transmission schemes to be implemented through TBCB route |
24 |
13.04.2018 |
Constitution of new "Empowered Committee on Transmission" (ECT) in accordance with the Guidelines for Encouraging Competition in Development of Transmission Projects. |
25 |
13.04.2018 |
Constitution of the "National Committeeon Transmission" (NCT) in accordance with the Guidelines for Encouraging Competition in Development of Transmission Projects |
26 |
13.04.2018 |
Constitution of the "North Eastern Region Standing Committee on Transmission" (NERSCT) for planning of Transmission System in the Region |
27 |
13.04.2018 |
Constitution of the "Southern Region Standing Committee on Transmission" (SRSCT) for planning of Transmission System in the Region |
28 |
13.04.2018 |
Constitution of the "Northen Region Standing Committee on Transmission" (NRSCT) for planning of Transmission System in the Region |
29 |
13.04.2018 |
Constitution of the "Western Region Standing Committee on Transmission" (WRSCT) for planning of Transmission System in the Region |
30 |
13.04.2018 |
Constitution of the "Eastern Region Standing Committee on Transmission" (ERSCT) for planning of Transmission System in the Region |
31 |
14.12.2016 |
Designation of Designated Authority under CBTE Guidelines- 2016 |
32 |
05.12.2016 |
Guidelines on Cross Border Trade of Electricity- 2016 |
33 |
11.08.2016 |
Constitution of the Committee for finalization of compensation in regard to Right of Way (RoW) for transmission lines in urban areas |
34 |
03.08.2016 |
Constitution of Committee for expediting approval sregarding railway clearance for building transmission lines. |
35 |
15.10.2015 |
Guidelines for payment of compensation towards damages in regard to Riqht of Way for transmission lines. |
36 |
15.04.2015 |
Constitution of the Committee for finalization of compensation in regard to Right of Way for transmission lines. |