Training is an organized activity for increasing the knowledge and skills of the people for the definite purpose. Trained personnel are the valuable asset of an organization and are responsible for its progress and stability.
Electricity Act, 2003 provides that the Central Electricity Authority shall perform such functions and duties as the Central Government may prescribe or direct, inter-alia, to promote measures for advancing the skill of persons engaged in the electricity industry and promote research in matters affecting the generation, transmission, distribution and training of electricity.
A National Training Policy for the Power Sector has been formulated. The salient features of the Policy are as under
- All organizations should adopt a formal written training policy to ensure training for all personnel for a minimum period of one week annually.
- A comprehensive training plan should be formulated by each power utility based on periodic training needs analysis
- A minimum of 1.5% of the salary budget of the organization may be allocated for training to begin with this should gradually be increased to 5% of the salary budget
- Networking amongst various organizations under the Ministry and other reputed institutes should be done for optimal use of training infrastructure and intellectual resources.
- Induction level training should be made mandatory for transmission & distribution (T&D) personnel similar to the generation personnel
- Adequate infrastructure for training including hydro power, transmission and distribution and non-conventional energy should be developed
- Simulator training at suitable intervals should be made mandatory for operation staff of the power plants
The policy emphasizes the idea that money spent on training is an investment not an expenditure. The National Training Policy (NTP) also highlights the need for planning for training as an integrated Human Resource Development (HRD) activity with a commitment to imparting training for all in the power sector at entry level as well as in-service.