- Filling up one post of Director General in the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (a non-CSS post) in Level- 15 (Rs. 182200-224100) of Pay Matrix on deputation/short term contract basis-reg.
- Selection for the post of CMD, NTPC Ltd - reg.
- Filling up of the post of Director General, Central Power Research Institute (CPRI), Bangalore in Level-l5 of 7th CPC (Rs.182200-Rs.224100 in the Pay Matrix on direct recruitment deputation basis
- Engagement of retired Government servants as Legal Consultants in R&R Division of Ministry of Power
- Appointment to the post of Member (Renewable Energy) in the Central Electricity Authority, on deputation/short-term contract basis
- Appointment to the post of Member (Technical) in Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) on deputation basis through Search-cum-Selection Committee (SCSC)
- Selection for the post of Director (Market Operation), Grid Controller of India Limited (Grid-India), 'A' CPSE
- Appointment to the post of Member (Hydro) in the Central Electricity Authority, on deputation/short-term contract basis - inviting applications for - regarding
- Appointment of Shri Shashank Misra, Joint Secretary Ministry of Power as Director (Government Nominee) on the Board of REC Limited vice Shri Piyush Singh, Joint Secretary, MoP.
- Selection for the post of Chairman & Managing Director, North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Limited (NEEPCO), a schedule 'A' CPSE
- Vacancy Circular dated 17.05.2023 for the post of Member, Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (JERC) for Manipur & Mizoram
- Filling up of various posts in the personal staff of Shri R.K Singh Hon'ble Minister of Power and NRE.
- Selection for the post of Chairman & Managing Director (CMD), Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL)
- Appointment to the post of member (grid operation and distribution) in the central electricity authority, on deputation/short-term contract basis inviting applications for - regarding
- Appointment to the post of Chairman, Bhakhra Beas management Board (BBMB)
- Appointment to the post of Member (Power Systems) in the Central Electricity Authority, on deputation /short-term contract basis - inviting applications for - regarding
- Appointment to the post of Member (Economic and Commercial) in the Central Electricity Authority, on deputation /short - term contract basis
- Engagement of retired Government servant as consultant in Hindi Division of Ministry of Power
- Vacancy circular for the post of Chairperson, CERC dated 5th July 2021
- Applications invited for Appointment of Director General in the Bureau of Energy Efficiency
- Appointment to the post of Member (Hydro) in the Central Electricity Authority, on deputation short-term contract basis
- Appointment to the post of Member-Secretary in Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) on deputation basis through Search-cum-Selection Committee (SCSC) dated 14th June 2021)
- Filling up the post of Director (Technical), North Eastern Electric Power Company Limited (NEEPCO), a schedule ‘A’ CPSE – reg
- Vacancy circular for the post of Technical Member, APTEL dated 26th Feb 2021
- Selection for the post of Director (Technical) REC Ltd., a schedule 'A' CPSE-reg
- Vacancy circular for the post of Chairperson, APTEL dated 5th Feb 2021
- Vacancy circular dated 22 September, 2020-Filling up the post of Member, JERC for Manipur & Mizoram
- Hiring of Retired officers from Govt. or CPSUs as Consultants in the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) on contract basis